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what's wrong with my brain?


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Somehow I've suspected this might be true, but it came to me rather loudly earlier this week when I was in a conversation with a couple of other people and wasn't entirely following the details. In the building business, there is nothing but details. It's a requirement that I follow along.

When  I thought about it later, I realized this was another instance of my visual problem solving brain needing an image to hold in the mind's eye and visualize an understanding. What I need is to translate words and the concepts they represent into some kind of picture that can be studied for clues to the meaning of the stated concept. This is why I'm so hopelessly at sea with mathematics-finance-philosoiphy. I can't generally create a physical picture of the concepts in these fields, so I can't look at it with my visual mind and understand them.

I clearly remember in school that geometry made sense, but algebra did not. For the above stated reasons. One would think architecture would be the perfect discipline for me to study. A certain amount does come naturally. But again, because of the translation problem, I often find myself lost because I can't orient myself in the model fast enough.

How does this relate to my photography? It's not clear, at this point. But what I sense is that it - photography - surely reinforces the strengths that I naturally possess, while not exercising very vigorously the conceptual realm that appears so weak. 

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