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when will they come out?

Several weeks ago, I asked Joe Reifer what the deal was with all the covered  cars in his neighborhood. They seem to sprout up rather repeatedly. I didn't think there were any around here. Wrong again.

The wife and I were recently out trying to complete another section of the Rivanna Trail that in concept - if not quite in actuality at this point - rings Charlottesville. Being not particularly dedicated to this "project," we've been at it for several years now. The section we traversed lastly was more roadway than trail. Lo and behold - you start looking for them, and they're everywhere, at least around town.

click any for bigger

And unconsciously, I've got them all heading in the same direction...

Reader Comments (4)

Glad to see you've discovered an area with covered cars. Let me know if you have any insights into the type of car or neighborhood these occur in!

April 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJoe Reifer

Joe, no generalizations about car covers, that I can detect. This recent walk was through a number of rather different neighborhoods, the only common element being that they are all inside the city limits. Now I'll have to keep my eyes peeled out in the county. Car covers or no?

April 13, 2009 | Registered CommenterKMW

Interesting. I'll probably start looking myself on a subconscious level just because of you guys :-)

I don't recall car covers being very popular down here (Texas). But lately with all the pine sap dripping out of the trees and yellow pollen in the air, a cover sounds like a very good idea.

April 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTJ Avery

Another thought about the covers in the city: there are almost no garages inside the city boundaries. You get into the county and the older houses don't usually have garages either. But as the dwellings get more modern, I think garages began to appear around here in the 80's. In the city there isn't the room for a garage, so with the sap & pollen mentioned by TJ, a cover does make some sense. But I get the feeling that these vehicles don't move at all. Easy to protect w/ a cover, that's for sure.

April 20, 2009 | Registered CommenterKMW

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