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f-o-r-d pt. 212

What does happen to road kill? No doubt some have wondered what became of Mephitis mephitis. It doesn't go to waste, that's for certain.


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The day after taking this photo, when I passed by again, there was nothing left. The system was doing it's part to clean up the remains. The only evidence of the demise of this animal is an odor that lingers in the area, not from any body parts, but from residual oil deposited on the pavement at the time of death.

Reader Comments (3)

Life goes on ... He he he its always a temptation that to picture these. Was considering to post a somewhat similar decay case.


December 4, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMauro

I'll admit that there's something morbid about showing these photos. It's one of the many sights in life that we turn away from, without recognizing our responsibility for these deaths. I suppose as post-modernists, we are not supposed to care. But eventually the system is not going to care about humans either.

December 4, 2010 | Registered CommenterKMW

Ha you're right. But accepting that wisdom is an achievement humanity is still far from.

December 5, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMauro

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