Entries in Charlottesville (3)


a short example

whale tail stickwork from Man Made Wilderness on Vimeo.


Includes a snippet of my current favorite piece of music by Tayondai Braxton.


What I did for Halloween

A fun time was had by all: the Zombie 5k Run and fundraiser in downtown Charlottesville.




What happened to me? No more still photography, basically. The GD Canon 7D has taken over my sensibilities, and Final Cut Studio the rest of my waking hours.

Here's the product of the latest marathon.

Who's Afraid of 50? from Man Made Wilderness on Vimeo.

A party last night, and in less than 24 hours it's online. It's been a long time since I stayed up til 5am working on a project, but this morning seemed to be the time to do it. Maybe there was something in the food last night that kept me awake. Or maybe it was the enchantment of cinema...